This product is only applicable to AI Auto Tracking Camera
Available for the following models
BX20S | BX20S-WH | BX30S | BX30S-WH
Or other brands of cameras with the same appearance as the above models.
***If you buy NDI camera such as BX20N-BK/WH,BX30N-BK/WH, NDI has already been activated, so there is no need to purchase this NDI LICENSE FILE.
***If you can't sure whether your camera has contained NDI License, please send an email to info@smtav.com
*** After you buy this NDI-LICERENCE-FILE, send an email to info@smtav.com, please tell us the MAC address and device serial number of your camera
How to get the MAC address and device serial number of the camera?
- Use a web browser to access the IP address of the camera.
- In the Network tab, you can get the MAC address of the camera.
- In the Information tab, you can get the device serial number
Activate NDI
After receiving the NDI License we sent, in the NDI Config tab, enter the NDI License Code to the Key textbox, and then click Submit
Turn off the camera and then on, the NDI License text shows OK, which means that it has been activated